100 Hügel 2014 Riesling Trocken Wittmann, Rheinhessen

Available from On the Grapevine,Dalkey; Cabot & Co, Westport; One Pery Square, Limerick.
Fresh crisp Riesling with light exotic fruits – pineapple and peaches, with a good dry finish.
Sip before dinner or with crab salad.
I am reliably informed that this is what Dalkey is drinking this summer, and possibly Westport and Limerick too. I can only admire their good taste. Phillip Wittmann produces some of the finest wines in Germany from his small estate in the Rheinhessen. The top wines cost over €30 a bottle, so I usually go for his Trocken at around €22. This is new, an entry-level dry Riesling. A hügel is a hill, and nothing to do with those people in Alsace.
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