Cerasuolo di Vittoria Classico 200, Azienda COS, Sicily

Cerasuolo di Vittoria Classico 200, Azienda COS, Sicily
€30 from www.cabotandco.com; No. 1 Pery Sq.Limerick; Market 57, Westport; Grapevine, Dalkey; Corkscrew, Chatham St.; Red Island, Skerries ; Listons, Camden St..
This has been one of my favourite wines for a decade or more, and also featured in my book this year. I drank a bottle last weekend, and was fighting with my wife over the last few drops. Frappato and Nero d’Avola are both indigenous Sicilian grapes; The COS single variety Frappato is good, but this blend of the two grapes is wirth the few extra euro. Soft smooth strawberry and plum fruits overlaid with dark chocolate. Wonderful wine.
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