Vina Laguna Pinot Grigio 2014, Istria, Croatia

Vina Laguna Pinot Sivi 2014, Istria, Croatia
€14.95 from Gibneys of Malahide, Donnybrook Fair, Clontarf Wines, Redmonds of Ranelagh, Sweeneys of Glasevin, Martins of Fairview, Hole in the Wall.
Pleasant, fresh plump easy melon fruits with a touch of the exotic – ginger and honeysuckle.
An aperitif wine or with light summery salads. The plump fruits might go well with scallops.
I featured a few wines from Slovenia recently; today its next-door-neighbour, Croatia. I visited Vina Laguna a few years back. They make a good range of sound, reliable wines, fairly priced in a region where many wines are not cheap. They also produce a very decent Malvasia at around the same price. Pinot Sivi is Pinot Grigio.
Posted in: Daily Drop
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